Friday, October 7, 2011

Moon Viewing Parties!

They are AWESOME.

I just got back from two moon viewing parties. They usually happen after the fall equinox and HP's two schools had them on the same night.

School A (the high academic one): Tall grass/wildflower arrangement, sushi, sanshin music (with electric guitar solos, which was pretty epic), mochi, toasts, and people sitting at a long table. We stayed for about an hour.

Classy to the max with a little bit of rock 'n roll thrown in.
Party B: Sanshin music by three somewhat toasted dudes, party games, totally plastered attempts at folk dancing (oh my god so great), at least three kegs, tarps spread on the ground in the courtyard, and AN ENTIRE GOAT. We stayed for the whole night.

You know what I did? I ATE GOAT SASHIMI.


Okinawa is turning me into such a badass. I am so pumped.

There was a game where you had to guess who it was based on the three secrets the emcee read from the slip of paper, from easiest to hardest. (he could read my handwriting, but had trouble with HP's HA BEST AT WRITING) My three secrets were:
1. I do not wear glasses
2. I like Okinawa Pro Wrestle
3. I am in the KGB! (Courtesy of Masashi-sensei, who I had told that I was part russian and had a gun permit.)

HP couldn't think of a third "secret," so Masashi-sensei scribbled "I LOVE MASASHI-SENSEI KISS KISS" in english across the bottom and it was great. They're notorious around the school, apparently. They're like two crazy people teaching kids english and they are total ridiculosity-bros. AND Masashi-sensei is his direct supervisor and I'm pretty sure that there is photographic evidence of Masashi chasing HP around yelling "HARD GAY HOOOO ADAM KISS KISS" at least twice.

And I totally got invited to like, every drinking party and school event ever by all the staff, who asked the english teachers how to say it so that they could tell me how much they liked me and I spoke in Japanese to people and it was so chill. Seriously. Tarps and kegs and a stage and a goat. Best. Party. Ever.

Unless you're the goat.

Also, it is really late and I might be drunks.

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